+44 (0)7721 461493

Starting Therapy
If you are thinking about accessing psychotherapy, you may like to know exactly what is involved.
You can choose to have your appointments remotely (via online video call) or in person at the Craven Clinic in Skipton, North Yorkshire.
I also provide 'walk and talk' sessions in Skipton if you prefer to meet outside.
I provide a safe and private place for you to discuss your difficulties and express yourself without fear of being judged.
I offer a 10-15 mins free initial phone consultation to briefly discuss your difficulties and how Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) could help.
If you decide you would like to book an assessment consultation we would then discuss your current difficulties and history in detail and develop your personal goals for therapy.
I will introduce the recommended approach for your specific problem, and help you understand it from a psychological perspective and how you can start to make changes.
During each session further worksheets or practical tools are provided to help you build on your learning between our sessions.
We will review how therapy is working for you at regular intervals and you stay in control of how many or frequently you would like to have a session.
Often people start of with weekly sessions and once they start feeling more stable have sessions fortnightly or even monthly to continue making positive changes in their lives.
Therapy sessions are a significant investment in your wellbeing and you are in charge of how you do this.